I really want to emphasis that your healing journey starts at the very beginning of it all. To acknowledge who you truly are and everything you have overcome. I realised when I started my healing journey that I was so busy running away from and trying not to re-hash everything that had happened “to me” over my life. What I was in fact doing, was carrying a heavier and heavier load on my back the more years passed.
So, I want to share my story with you, in the context of realising how important our stories are when we begin our healing journey.
I had to remembering that everything that I have been through, actually happened “for me”, and not “to me”.
I had to remember it all, otherwise I would never have been able to heal each little hurt along the way, and become who I am today, the best possible version of myself, and to continue to work on that every day – and I am in NO WAY done! This is a lifelong journey, and it is one that I am so grateful to wake up to every day.
I have worked in corporate for 29 years.
My career started in real estate at 17 years old and I built, operated and sold my own real estate business in my 20’s.
In my 30’s I worked as a financial accountant managing multimillion dollar property portfolios for hundreds of investors, and in my 40’s working in management accounting with high-net-worth individuals managing portfolios in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
I was kicking all of the right professional goals, but there was a hidden cost.
When my mum was diagnosed with cancer in my late 20’s and wanted to treat herself holistically, I began studying the healing effects of holistic modalities on the human body and more recently implementing them into my life to heal myself and others.
I have spent my whole life studying something or another. Whether it has been to advance my career, my health or the health of my loved ones, my house is full of books that are an eclectic mix of textbooks on commerce, anatomy and physiology, self-help and self-healing.
I also grew up in a household where there was a general
understanding that healing yourself was not a far-out theory, and we were encouraged to drink Kombucha that mum grew, we were taught how to energy test foods, supplements and medicines before taking them to ensure that our body was aligned with whatever the substance was. My dad’s family are very connected to the earth and to spirit, they are farmers, healers of animals and humans, medicine men and women.
My desire to learn more about how the human body works came from some serious health struggles over several decades of my life culminating into a huge life event at 40 that had me completely depleted.
According to Ayurveda, I am a predominantly pitta body type. Pitta is the fire dosha, so I have the fire to drive me, but I can also burn out quickly if I let it get out of balance, leading to severe depletion. This, plus I was born under the Virgo sun sign, so my expectations for perfection (particularly of myself) are off the charts! Let’s just say that I don’t do anything by halves!
This timeline is not exhaustive by any means but is a good idea for you to get started to pick apart your decades, and acknowledge how far you have come.

In my mid-teens I suffered a mental breakdown following my high school exams.
My breakdown started my fascination into healing the human body. I was gifted a book at age 17, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and not only still have it, but I still reference this book regularly, even after nearly 3 decades.
At 18 I had lumps removed from my breast.
AT 19, I got glandular fever (mono). I was working two jobs and severely depleted.
At age 33 my mum passed away, six years after her initial Cancer diagnosis.
After 20 years of touch typing I developed carpel tunnel in both wrists making opening jars, driving and daily activities painful.
I also had several benign and malignant skin legions removed from my face, back and neck.
At age 34 I walked away from what I thought was the love of my life, after an 11-year relationship. One of the hardest things I had done to date. But I didn’t realise what was to come.
My late 30’s I spent 2 years caring for my partner who was suffering with severe mental illness, on suicide watch for around 18 months, and in and out of hospital and psychiatrists’ appointments.
At 20, I was assaulted and robbed at knifepoint whilst at my place of work.
At 21, I gave birth to my daughter. I had a perfect pregnancy with zero morning sickness, however I was very ill after giving birth to her and ended up back in hospital within the first month.
I then miscarried my second pregnancy.
I also suffered another round of glandular fever, depleting me for three months.
I was living in survival mode, which I know a lot of women are today, while we are still trying to have it all and do it all.
My mum was diagnosed with cancer when I was 27.
Then 1 year later, following an abnormal pap smear I had laser surgery on my cervix to remove the abnormal cells.
The month after I turned 40, my relationship ended with my partner who’s illness ended up taking his life.
I was well and truly in my dark night of the soul. I did not even recognise my own reflection.
Earlier, in 2016 I had purchased a book called Mastering Your Mean Girl and read it cover to cover twice, and began practicing several modalities that helped me keep my head above water while I was caring for my partner.
These modalities involved digging into my psyche and practicing journalling, energy practices, breathwork practices and regular exercise.
In late 2018 following my relationship breakdown, I really dove deep into my spiritual journey. My daughter was 18, working and independent, and for the first time in 2 decades I didn’t have anyone to look after. I had to get to know ME!
I worked for several hours each morning and night, going within, learning from healers, gurus and holistic practitioners, researching everything I could get my hands on to regain my health and find my happy place once again.
By this time, I knew I had lessons to learn, and I was ready to look at what wasn’t authentic within myself, so that my external life could mirror that expression, and give me an authentic platform for me to live into.
I truly integrated the concept that I could not change anyone or anything external to me. Everything that I wanted to show up for me in life, started within me. I was the creator. The Alpha and The Omega.
This is by far the hardest lesson to learn, and it took me several years to integrate four decades of life experience through this lens.
I picked apart my karma, lesson by lesson, digging deeper and deeper every day. Clearing out more and more garbage every day.
I dramatically upskilled my food game, which while very healthy and mostly organic, wasn’t aligned with my individual constitution, and was throwing me further out of balance.
I quickly realised something in all my years of research. A lot of the professionals out there talking about healing the body, do so in a way that can be very overwhelming with a lot of medical jargon.
However, using my approach, I had gotten myself back to around 70%, but I was still in pain most days, even if just a niggle, it wasn’t good enough for me and I knew that there was more for me!
In 2020 I declared to the universe that “I WAS READY TO HEAL”. It showed me Ayurveda, and I studied it informally as well as formally. It was the last piece of the puzzle for me to heal my body, and finally live pain free for the first time in a long time.
My husband and I do not even catch the common cold anymore, there is no chronic ailments in our lives in our late 40’s and early 50’s.
This is why I call myself a Longevity Practitioner…I help others to live into their dream future selves, free from dis-ease and pain, full of joy and living their wildest dreams, knowing their dharma (purpose for life).

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