1:1 Ayurvedic consultation (value $130) (1-hour online or in-person, depending on your location)
Detailed recommendations for Diet, Lifestyle, Treatment and Therapies Plan tailored to your prakriti (your natural state or constitution/dosha) and vikruti (your current state of imbalance)
Your personal Dinacharya (daily routine)
The secrets to ongoing health (I am 2.5 years without experiencing even the common cold and counting…) that buy you invaluable time back into your life to spend with your loved ones
Weekly check-ins (value $1,040) with me for 2 x 1-hour online sessions each week for 4 weeks (ongoing if you feel called to continue your membership beyond the initial 4-week offering)
“The Way” Workbook guiding you through the Chatur Purusharthas – The 4-Pillars (aims/goals) of Life covered in this knowledge offering:
Dharma (Duty) => Your Soulset
Artha (Wealth) => Your Healthset (without which everything else fails)
Kama (Pleasure) => Your Heartset; and
Moksha (Liberation) => Your Mindset
Videos to compliment the Workbook – ensuring we provide something for every learning style
Detailed “The Way” Recipe Book tailored with recipes and guides for each dosha
Over 60 modalities, practices, and therapies to guide you on your health and healing journey
Daily Plans covering your first 30, 60 and 90 days to get your routine transformed to a LIFESTYLE!
Added Bonus: Access to “The Way: Foundations” - Unlock your fullest potential and create lasting transformation by mastering the 12 pillars of life. (Value $79)

Because YOU are ready to slow down, YOU are ready to be seen, and YOU deserve this time for YOU!!
To be so radiant of body and mind that you NEVER get sick…just think of how much time that could gift you over the course of your life, and how you could begin to show up in life - as the best possible version of yourself!