An Introduction to Ayurveda, “The Science of Life”

An Introduction to Ayurveda, “The Science of Life”

 Now we are going to get a deeper understanding of our own unique body through the lens of what is thought by many scholars to be the oldest healing system on earth. ‘Ayur’ means ‘life’ and ‘veda’ means ‘science or knowledge’. So Ayurveda translates to “The science or the knowledge of life”.

It incorporates the mind, the body and the spirit and gives us the understanding of who we are becoming in this lifetime for the sake of living out our dharma, which is our purpose, our essence of existence, and our contribution to the world. A life of service, it could be volunteer work, it could be raising your children, it could be the book that you write, it could be the business that you build that helps other people or protects the environment.

We all have a purpose, and when we don’t realise our dharma we suffer. It is said that when we are without dharma there cannot be any happiness in life. Without a strong focus on longevity of our bodies and minds, many will not be able to embrace their dharma in this lifetime.

Ayurveda focuses on helping us to achieve longevity and covers everything - your food and eating habits, your daily, monthly and seasonal schedule, your emotions, your mental health, your physical health, your spiritual health, your relationships, your environment as well as your body’s dis-ease and its balance (cures). The focus is on prevention, but Ayurveda can cure dis-ease and illness and Ayurveda is mainly divided into eight branches.

They are:

  • Kaya Chikitsa (Internal medicine)
  • Bala Chikitsa / Kaumarabhritya (Paediatrics)
  • Graha Chikitsa / Bhuta vidya (Psychiatry)
  • Urdhvanga / Shalakya Chikitsa (ENT and Ophthalmology)
  • Shalya Chikitsa (Surgery)
  • Damstra Chikitsa / Agada Tantra (Toxicology)
  • Jara / Rasayana Chikitsa (Geriology or Rejuvenation)
  • Vrishya / Vajikarana Chikitsa (Aphrodisiac).

Ayurvedic philosophy is based on philosophies of life which developed from the ancient sages and scriptures of India known as the “Vedas”, or “Bodies of Knowledge”. The Vedas are timeless, and some say more than 10,000 years old. Vedic tradition is composed of highly spiritual wisdom and pure knowledge. It is not a creation made by man, but rather a revelation from the hearts of the enlightened rishis (seers).

Ayurveda’s roots are in India and the science is studied at medical school just like Western medicine which was introduced into India when the British invaded as it was considered a superior form of medical treatment. Ayurveda was suppressed during this time, much like what has been happening in the west with the demonisation of alternative medicines in the last century.

“Many Indians followed this movement to Western medicine and succumbed to the lure of quick fixes, shots, pills and drugs, thereby, like their western counterparts, avoiding personal responsibility for their own health.” (Lad, V., 2002).

Today, many Indians are returning to their native roots in Ayurveda, having realised that Western medicine aims to simply suppress symptoms and does not help to prevent problems from recurring.

In fact, my mentor tells me that a significant amount of the Western trained doctors in a large and well-known hospital in India, walk across the road to the Ayurvedic hospital where she practiced as an Ayurvedic surgeon, for guidance on assessing their own health and subsequent treatment.

Ayurveda is true healthcare with ancient roots and methods that have a massive impact on preventing as well as curing health problems.

In Ayurveda, a successful doctor has no patients.

If you are ready to start your healing or spiritual journey, then you already know that the key is HEALTH and Ayurveda starts by teaching you about your body’s constitution or its natural state (Prakriti) as well as highlight your body’s imbalances or its current state (Vikruti). This ensures that your practitioner has a solid foundation to treat your current state, without throwing your natural state further out of balance.

 How do you ever expect to free your mind, body, and soul of pain and dis-ease without basic knowledge of your individual body’s constitution (its physiology and why it does what it does) as well as knowing what your body is trying to communicate to you in the moment so that you can make the necessary corrections for health and longevity?

How do you ever expect to connect, let alone co-create with the Divine Creator when your body is suffering and constantly switched on “detox” mode.

Well you are in the right place, there is no need to spend hours researching, I have collated already everything that I have learnt and condensed both the knowledge and the tools down for you to start your wellness journey. You will have a completely different understanding of yourself months from now! No gimmicks or ‘trends’, no counting calories, no excruciating work out regimes, just simple knowledge tailored to your individual constitution for maximum benefit, health, and vitality. Because your body is so different to anyone else’s and its time you know how special that it is.

To find out your body’s individual constitution, why not take our Dosha Quiz today.

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Lad, V., Ayurveda Fundamental Principles, Volume 1., 2002