So, you are interested in more of a structured plan around your diet and wondering about calory deficit dieting?
My recommendation is a lifestyle choice, over a situational choice.
A lifestyle roadmap provides long term answers, rather than short term goals like counting calories. Most of the women I know that started counting calories in their youth still do it in their adult years and none of them have a good body image to this day. These old and outdated methods of food intake are not in harmony with natural law, and hold a very low energetic expression.
When you choose yourself above all other things, beautiful things will come to you. Your body is a vessel to carry you through this life only, you must love her for absolutely everything that she is, AND everything that she isn’t, in order for your lasting healing to manifest before your eyes. It is a mechanism that gets us from A to B and dictates how long we get to enjoy this lifetime for. When we choose to work in alignment with our body’s mechanics, we enjoy peace, harmony, and health and when we work against the natural alignment of our individual constitution, we promote pain, disharmony and dis-ease.
Both of these options have their own level of hard – and in line with natural law, it is of course up to YOU to CHOOSE YOUR HARD!
Do you want your hard to look like pain every time you get up from a seated position, painful periods every single month, or chronic health issues in early life, or do you want your hard to look like getting up every morning for exercise or taking a little extra time each day to prepare yourself food that nourishes your mind, body and soul? Everything in life is an offer. You have a choice. So, choose your hard.
When you eat in accordance with your constitution, and immediately correct any imbalances that you notice, when you notice them, you are working in natural alignment with your body. Your body will maintain its natural weight when you offer it the lifestyle that its constitution requires. Knowing your body constitution is The perfect roadmap.
You are an individual. Your body type will prefer to metabolize certain foods better over others. Certain herbs will assist your constitution for detox that are not recommended for other body types. Your life’s goal is to understand and appreciate YOUR individual constitution and learn to work with her for a beautiful, pain-free, and joyous life. When you see something online, the latest health craze or whatever, ask yourself if this is in alignment with your constitution, do the research.
Whenever I see something that catches my eye, I ask myself “is this legacy work?” The reason I do this is we are so distracted in our lives every day, so if I keep asking myself this question every time something new catches my eye, I always make sure that I am working in line with my dharma (my purpose for living this lifetime) rather than being distracted by things and activities that only serve to lower my vibration.
Remember that living in accordance with nature and the five elements is a way of life, and that takes resilience, it takes consistency, and it takes pure love for yourself. There is little love in counting calories at every meal especially if the foods that you are counting are not in line with your individual constitution.
If you practice these new lifestyle practices every day it will become your natural way of being. Your body will start to communicate to you in ways that you never knew were possible. It will quiet the noise inside your vessel so that you can finally hear how beautiful she is. She is always whispering for you to find your purpose, your dharma. We just need to quiet the noise in this busy and distracted life that seems to never want us to ever hear it. When you truly hear and integrate that last sentence, you will understand why men and women are experience rates of disease like never before.
Our key learning coming early 2025 called The Way, inside our membership program offers guidance on discovering your individual constitution, as well as all of the modalities you could every possibly need to start, maintain and thrive now and into the future.
The goal is longevity, the ultimate insurance policy for your health. Why make long term goals without considering if you will be healthy enough to live into them?